Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Giving Thanks: A Personal Perspective

I never expected to be a landlord-tenant attorney. My passion for landlord-tenant law came from my own experience with a charismatic, large property owner in the East Bay.

Having lived in huge metropolitan areas across the U.S., in California, I encountered -- for the first time -- exploding toilets, lack of heat and hot water, illegal dumping, overflowing trash bins, illegal units, illegal utility sharing, abandoned vehicles, and a landlord who stalked and harassed me (and other female tenants.)

This unfortunate experience led to my bringing suit against my landlord in 2013; I represented myself in court and alleged numerous statutory violations, illegal lease clauses, unfair business practices, retaliation, harassment, and more.

My home is my retreat. During the lawsuit, even a good night’s sleep was illusive; I felt unsafe in my apartment. It took 3-months to find a new home, a home which a friend recently described as "zen."

In 2014, after an attorney friend served my trial brief and exhibits on the landlord’s attorneys, a settlement was offered, negotiated, and reached. I had a “slam dunk” case.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving.

Today, I want to thank my tenant clients for choosing me to represent them.

Today, I want to thank my attorney friends who advised me during my lawsuit, who personally served court documents and provided feedback, and who stood with me in court proceedings. I have much to be grateful for. 

And, if you are a new visitor to this blog and need an attorney “in your corner,” let’s talk.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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