Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Oakland Fails to Police Landlords

Click here to review interesting article concerning an NBC investigation of some fraudulent actions of Oakland landlords who "routinely ignore Oakland eviction laws."

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

No Eviction Without Representation - San Francisco Implements its Guarantee

In June 2018, San Francisco voters passed Proposition F, which has become known as "No Eviction Without Representation." Since its passage, Major London Breed has allocated $5.8 million in funds to several housing rights organizations including the Eviction Defense Collaborative, Tenderloin Housing Clinic, Bay Area Legal Aid, La Raza Centro Legal, and other non-profit organizations to help support the initiative and ensure that any tenant being evicted - regardless of age, medical status, or income - is represented in an unlawful detainer proceeding. San Francisco is the second city in the U.S., after New York City, to guarantee a lawyer for an evicted tenant. For more about this program, click here.