Thursday, April 14, 2016


Bed bug infestation is a huge problem for both Landlords and Tenants. These tiny, parasitic creatures feed on human and animal blood. They can quickly infest an entire building and require expensive measures to eradicate.

Both Tenant and Landlord have a responsibility to prevent bed bug infestation. But, if a Landlord is aware of a bed bug infestation in his or her property, the Landlord should act quickly to control it.

In the case documented below, the Landlord failed to respond to multiple notices concerning bed bug infestation from both his Tenants and from the Health Inspection Department. This lead to an arrest warrant being issued for his alleged, criminal violations of a new City of Concord ordinance concerning bed bugs in rental property and made history in California, if not across the United States.

Concord: Allegedly ignoring bedbugs bites landlord; judge issues arrest warrant